A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sex, Love and Astrology for this Libra Woman

"Justice is female because she IS the Goddess.  She is all and everything, and Her law, that of nature, cannot be broken and must be obeyed by every living creature.  She is the restorer and the maintainer of order and harmony.  She is Wisdom, She is Karma, She is Love....And Libra is Her sign."

I'm about as perfect an example of a Libra woman if ever there was one.  I'm as good a judge as any, as I know many Libra women.  While all of us are alive with the basic traits....strong sense of fairness, difficulty making decisions, social butterflies, supurb conversationalists, stong sense of justice...yada yada....I seem to be the one who shines the brightest as an embodyment of ALL the Libra traits.  Honestly, they should just put my picture next to the definition.  I've been thinking hard about astrology and the men I have made contact with in my life.  So I want to keep track of how I get along with different signs, and how well the men I meet or know, compare to thier astrological signs definintion, and how we fare against the prediction of a coupling.

As I write or tinker with my POF online profile....I have noticed a trend.  Different aspects of my profile seem to attract men from differing signs.  It seems like when I make a change toward one direction, all of a sudden Libra's are checkin me out. Make another change in another direction and I get a bunch of hits from Scorpio's....lather rinse repeat....cancers hit me up.  You get the idea.   Lately....it's the capricorn man.  I have to say with all honesty, I believe in this stuff, as my experiences lately are proving it to be nothing short of hard cold facts.

Such as, the proposition that a Libra woman-Capricorn man coupling, is nothing short of disasterous.  I have to say that I whole heartedly agree.  I'm quite literally thinking of not wasting my time even chatting with a another cappy man ever again, no matter how fucking fine he may be.  They drive me insane.  I don't think there is a sign out there that can screw up a libra womans balance better than a cappy man.  They perfectly set me up on a high that I love being on, then they knock me off balance so hard, my head is spining and I'm stunned trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.  I am able to be good freinds with them, and can handle thier "tell it like it is" persona on that "friend" level.  But the second there is a romantic thought in my head, my emotions cannot handle the sting of thier tongue.  They feel a great sense of entitlement to tell you how and where you are wrong, and how you could "do it better".  They also have the weirdest quirks in the sex department.  They are VERY guarded with thier emotions and they are very good at ACTING like they are open about everything.  But the truth is, they can barely kiss without getting thier feelings hurt.  They can fuck like rabbits, but they do it like Julia Roberts in "pretty woman"..no kissing on the lips, as that is too "personal".  So I think I am totally and completely done with Cappy's no matter how intruiging they are in the beginning.

Another sign that I am thinking will not be a good pairing is the Virgo man.  Also known far and wide as a critical being and his name was "my husband" for many years.  Unfortunately, so is man #11 a Virgo, so trust me, my eyes are wide open.  But since this is strickly a FWB sexual relationship, I think we are gonna be ok in that department.  I already know, conversationaly we are not exactly Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers....But I think if we just focus on the "benifits"...there will be little to worry about.

Soooo, I am looking into the signs that I am suppose to be the most compatible with.  And they are, in this order: Gemini (this would be my owen, who quite literally could be my soul mate....just not available to me) Aquarius (the guy I got along great with over coffee a week ago but wasn't physically attracted to) Sagittarius and Leo.   But Man#7 was a Gemini too.....so...I'm definately going to be keeping track.

The ones that come in a close second, and could, maybe, be a good fit....would be....Libra and Taurus.

Now the ones that there is supose to be serious hard core attraction but not sustainable as a relationship are Pisces, Scorpio and Aries....  And least likely to make a match, unless it is a match striking a wild fire..... would be of course...the Cappy and the Virgo and Cancer.

In the end, this all could be a total load of crap, with no rhym or reason.  That is why I intend to get to the bottom of this.

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