This is a good lesson for all you sexters out there……TRUST your GUT…and meet at Starbucks! I had a feeling based on pics and a phone conversation that there may be little to no attraction in person once we met….boy was I right. He was OK looking, but not really my type. I could tell he was a super sweet guy though and figured “who couldn’t use another friend?” We had a nice friendly chat on the phone, and lots of friendly text messages. I got straight to business though and scheduled a meeting. I’ve been single for 3 whole days now and we’re burning daylight here! Not to mention, let’s just not pussy foot around and waste time investing in each other if there is not chemistry. Starbucks it is. When I got there, I knew immediately that my preconceived “out” was in order, so the first thing I said as he approached my car was…..”I don’t have long I have to get home and cook dinner for my son”. Another lesson…..have your “out” story ready to go and well rehearsed so it sounds natural and authentic as it rolls off your tongue. We walked inside and he put his arm around me right away……eeewwwww! Really creeped me out. He insisted on buying my coffee and I let him. We talked for about 20-30 min as I was unable to endure a brain freeze by rushing thru my frappaccino. He was nice and sweet but there was just NOTHING there, and all I could think was…..”why didn’t I trust my gut?” I need to get better at being “cold” and just telling them that we’re not a good fit. Things to remember in the future….break the hearts quickly, it hurts a lot less. So a quick duck of the face into his armpit to avoid an accidental kiss during the friendly hug goodbye and away my tires burned rubber.....NEXT !!!
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