So do ya'll remember man #3...the one I really liked? The one who was hilarious and sweet. Respectful with just the right twinge of badboy. The one, we texted all week up to the morning of the scheduled date. The one who cancelled the morning of the date and then NEVER contacted me again. Well, I REALLY liked him, and it was very disapointing to have that happen. For God sakes I went to go buy a dress...a DRESS I tell you.... for this date....ME....the non dress wearing gal.
Well, here we go again. I met another man on POF that I really like, we'll call him man #8. Sunday, after playfully texting all day, we talked on the phone for an hour and half. Based on his pics and the phone conversation, I could really see myself being attracted to him.....BIG TIME. Our schedules for the next couple weeks will not allow us to have a first meeting for a while, which could have been to his detriment, as I get bored quickly waiting around. He is a Capricorn to my Libra, basically doomed to fail if one pays attention to the atrological signs. Capricorns are extreemly patient and take thier time, they are the epitome of an earth sign, grounded and stubborn. Libra's, the epitome of the air signs, can move like the wind if not harnessed quickly. The way I have been approaching my new single life, I had to tell him...If you want to catch this fish, don't dick around with baiting your hook too long.....I just might swim away.
For all I know, this will go no where in the end, so why put my single life on hold to just be stood up, right? Not saying that I think he would do that....but I never in a million years would have dreamed (the way it was going) that man #3 would have done it. I'm still completely baffled as to what happened there. Christian Carter mentioned in one of his programs that the 'reason' a guy didn't call doesn't matter...all we as women need to pay attention to, is the FACT that he DIDN"T call. Actions speak louder than words, if he doesn't call, he's just not interested....the WHY is not important. So, I try not to let the mystery make my mind spin out of control. Besides, #3 was a Libra too....we are fickle little things.
Anyways, back to #8. We talked on the phone again last night for over 2 hours, and now I am hooked. CRAP!!! I started to get feelings. Now I'm not talking about emotional feelings here, I'm talking about physical feelings. Tingly feelings. The kind I havn't felt for some time now. So it is quite a compliment to any man, if he can cause those feelings.....and we weren't talking sexy to each other either. Just normal conversation and SHAZAM.....what the fuck just happened?? Seriously? I am TOAST. If this guy does THAT to me, and we havn't even been naughty.....I am dead meat for when we do. I'm sitting here, trying to be patient, trying to be good.....but I just can't wait 3 or more weeks to meet him. I can't. I'm going to have to figure this damn thing out on how to get our schedules together quicker than that. He may be a patient person, extremely patient in fact......I however am NOT. I need to know soon if we have this same chemistry in person before I free fall and the disapointment is too much to bear. "Hope", is a good thing, but it's not something I can survive on for long. I need to know for certain before I get myself too invested in this. Despite my best efforts not to be, I am already more invested in this guy than I want to be. CRAP
I couldn't help it. We seem so compatible, never ran out of things to talk about, I was at ease to be myself and not be judged....and he felt the same way. At one point he said to me, "I don't know if you can tell, but I'm really into you" and also "I'm forcing myself to patient, I don't want to scare you away" really? REALLY?? when I really like someone, i don't scare that easily, bring it on "mountain man".....take me away.
Time to let man #7 'catfish man" down gently after that aweful it is definately NOT in the cards for him....
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