A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Curiosity......kills the Kat!

Oh Crap.  I can't believe sometimes the things I get myself into.   I was home alone Friday night, pondering what to do with myself.  I felt no inspiration to write…..guess I did enough of that all week…and I started to wonder what on earth it would REALLY be like…..being single with herpes.  Do I want to invest time into getting to know someone before blurting it out and getting the big fat rejection, or do I want to just lay it out there from the get-go and spare us both having wasted our time….energy….and heart on something that will go no where?  Then I got to thinking about some things a few of my tagged friends have told me…..and that is: lots of guys have it…..lots of guys don’t care.  And being that Josh didn’t care…I see that it is true….but just how many guys are we talking about?

I don’t know what possessed me, but I went to craigslist and posted an ad in the "personals" section. 
Basically a ‘poll’ asking if there was any hope for life after divorce with herpes.  I asked to message me if they ‘have’ it, or ‘would’ do it…..sleep with a woman who does have it.  I got a little frustrated because my ad was flagged and removed within 20min.  So I posted it again, it got removed again.  Lather, rinse, repeat 2 more times over the course of 3 hours.  But…in that short little window…I was shocked to receive quite a few responses!  Problem is….most of them think it was an urgent call to action!  No boys….not yet anyways.  I thought I was clear in that fact….but I guess I wasn’t clear enough....my bad.  None the less I have to say that I got a wide range of men responding.  Age 30 (buff hot young thing) to men I suppose in their early 50’s.  I was sent quite a few pics, and NONE of them are desperate pathetic looking geeks……so this was encouraging as well.  Considering as a slightly larger woman myself, I tend to think of myself as less desirable than the size 5 skeletons that grace the cover of magazines.  So when you take ALL this into account, it does seem promising that there are men out there for me, and pickens do not seem all that slim.  Woo Hoo

Now for another matter all together.  Let me say that I saw some pretty raunchy ads while I was on there.  Pics of cocks n such.  There was quite a bit that was graphic and X rated for sure.  Those ads were NOT being removed and I would just like to know why an honest ad, from a normal sincere woman, clearly just looking to move on with her life at some point including a MAN…..what on earth is so offensive that my ad needed to be flagged and removed, REAPEATEDLY.  I read the terms of use, which was lengthy btw, and I was not in violation of the rules.  WTF is wrong with this society that people clearly advertising them selves as total sluts and man whores, looking for a “hit it n quit it” without even the courtesy of a single drink…..that is somehow acceptable….and a decent woman looking for companionship with benefits is not.  I don’t get it.

More good news….I read some ads while I was there, responded, and ended up making a few friends that way as well. 

My curiosity will surely kill my kitty some day!

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