A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm overwhelmed....help!

As I started to go thru boxes in the garage, purging my past from square carboard recepticles of my life...It occured to me that I never unpacked when we moved in here 4ys ago.  Not really unpacked anyways.  I had surgery a few days after we got the keys and just as I was fit enough to actually do some serious unpacking.....I caught my husband cheating.  After that...I never had the heart to unpack.  I mean, why bother when you think 'any day' you might have to box it all back up again?  I found some boxes I packed for storage over 10ys ago.  And I also doscovered my husbands habits of just boxing up all my crap I have laying around and tossing it in the garage.  Some boxes are neatly organized with like minded things inside....others look like mini tornadoes had been swirling around inside with a hodge podge eclectic collection of odds n ends. 

I'm trying to be as practical as possible, knowing I will be living in a place half the size with NO storage to speak of.  But the rent is dirt cheap, so I can't complain.  It all got me thinking about how I can have any bed spread I want.  Any decorations I wan't.  I can be as girly and froo froo as I desire....and I am going to decorate with the Shabby Chic eclectic style I always wanted to....that HE wouldn't let me do.  I found my great grandmothers chenille bed spread and it will look fabulous with all the decorations I found packed in my nightmare....otherwise known as my garage.  I was hoping to have a yard sale this weekend.....but I am no where near getting thru all that crap....much less having made it into the HOUSE to downsize in there.  Good news is that I have been diligent and have reduced my possesions thus far by half!  Sad news is that I will likely be rehoming my dogs.  There will be no one home all day with them and the pup still isn't house broken.  If I can work out fencing in the back yard, I might consider letting them stay.  Wish the munchkins luck.

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