A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Demons of My Past are starting to Haunt Me

Well I had an interesting weekend for sure.  Emotions started creeping up on me....and fast.  This is the first time in 19yrs I will not be with family for the holidays.  My ex's parents are in from Colorado and he asked for my son for Thanksgiving. It's also the first time in too many years to count, that "I" won't be the host slaving with love over a dead bird to create my world famous master piece......my gravy.  I hate to brag, but my gravy is out of this world.  Just pour it in a mug and enjoy!  But as the holiday is getting closer, it is hitting me hard.  I'm finding it hard to hold back the tears and I think it is starting to bleed into my single life.

So about Dan..... here's what happened.  Our mutual friends had a party and invited both of us.  Let me say that every one thinks we should be together and are going out of their way to try to make it happen.  Dan has expressed a liking to me, and I of him.  However, I think neither of us are truly "ready" for this as we are both going thru a divorce right now.  But none the less, there we were at this party, both of us nervous and self conscious to talk to each other.  We were both lively and chatty with everyone else at the party, but with each other..???.....Total Morons.  I was married for 19ys and he for 15ys, and it's only been a few months since both our separations.  He did ask a friend for my phone number a week ago, but I haven't gotten a phone call.....sooooo.  For the life of me, I can't "read" him, to get any reassurance if he likes me or is interested. All I can do is go on his actions......because they absolutely speak louder than words.  The fact is....he hasn't called....he hasn't asked me out.  PERIOD

The weird part for me is MY actions.  At first I was only semi interested, thinking about him...."ya he's good looking" but that was about it.  No serious thoughts in my head like I would just die if we didn't hook up somehow.  But he shows up to this party, wranglers, a nice cowboy shirt, his boots....a fresh haircut and goatee trim and DAMN.....he was kinda sexy....and all of a sudden.....the tables turned on me.  All of a sudden.....now I am really interested....REALLY.....and got tongue tied.  I saw Dan the cowboy man in a whole new light....and that's when the demons grabbed a hold of me.

Now all of a sudden I feel absolutely inferior.  I feel like I'm not good enough and once he gets to know me he will change his mind about me.  All those demons my ex put in my head about how I'm no good and everything is my fault, are flooding me all at once.  And the dreaded herpes demon of course.  Like how could a great guy want a woman with herpes?  Even though I know better, even though I know how great I am and that there are plenty of men who don't care about herpes, I can't stop it from invading my mind. So now I find myself crying at the drop of a hat.....like somehow Dan the cowboy man is the only man alive.  I keep telling  myself that he is in fact NOT the only man alive and keep trying to shake these feelings, but I'm finding it so hard and wondering.....why now?  Why are these feelings coming up now?  I have been fine since the day I kicked my husband out.  I have talked to many men, dated a few, had sex with a few....it never bothered me before.  WHY NOW?  My best friend said that it's because I see a potential for happiness and not just a "good time"...and I agree.....since that potential for happiness....also comes with the potential to actually be hurt....which is most likely the leading fear.  NOT a fear of happiness....but a fear of pain.  Pain of rejection.

So I can totally get that Dan is afraid of rejection, because I can almost guarantee that my fear of the same rejection far outweighs his.  Kind of seems self centered and arrogant that I would think my fear is greater than his.  For all I know....he has herpes too and is going through the same damn thing.  I mean REALLY....how do I know?

Regardless of my "feelings".....my actions will be that of aloofness....none of it matters.....if he doesn't pick up the damn phone and CALL me....then that is HIS loss.


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