A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

~Dim the lights~

She burned white hot and beamed with life
But this light would only cause her strife
Blinded by her radiant glow
Friends and lovers became her foe
One by one, her flames they snuffed
Until she’d finally had enough
She broke free to light her fire
To find the love she doeth desire
But yet again she burns too bright
Shameful should she dim her light
Look at yourself before you demand
She’ll light the way of your darkened land
Stay in the dark or follow along
But do not silence a brilliant song

I wrote this when I started thinking about how/why I intimidate men, people in general really, and the split second thought I had, that maybe I should dull it down a bit to stop scaring men away.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that is what I did in my marriage and with my friends for years....and look where it got me.  A dead soul.  So I decided I am going to just be ME and let the man who is strong enough to be MY man find me.  I know for my future, I want a man who is strong enough that I don't have to rule the world anymore.  A man so strong, he can be the soft place for ME to land.  I am a lot of woman to be around, and any man who can't handle it.....doesn't deserve me.  So, this big light of mine....I'm gonna let it shine!

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