A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Feast or Famin....it's a buffet at the moment! Men #18-#23

Well, alot has gone on since Vacation man (#17) And just when I thought I couldn't do any "better" than the crap that I was snagging.....my fishing net pulls up a bounty to choose from.  Finally....Though most could still be crap, to soon to tell.  However, I have yet another sexual dilema.  There is this hot guy (#21) that, well I am not attracted to for "dating" but.....he promises to be a full night of passion. (don't they all?)  Back to the "can't beat 'em-join 'em"....with this one.  Vacation man got me frustrated big time....and I need it like a crack ho needs her pipe.  I have a few others dangling on the line, that are possibly willing to not view me as just a sexual object.

#18...Mr. Shallow, is a real Local guy, who we are just "friends"...fine by me, he is NOT my type personality wise....in any way shape or form, and he aint good looking enough to be as shallow as he is.

 #19...The puruvian Lover, is a guy who'm we've been texting as friends since April.  He lives so far away that despite our mutual attraction...It really is just too far away.  But, we've been talking about finally meeting.....we'll see. 

#20...Mr Nice.  This is a new development, he's a correctional officer, we'll see if this goes anywhere.  I think I might be too much for him.

#21...The Assyrian Lover I spoke of above....he may be too much for me...LOL

#22...Mr. Libra, another new development, my heart is pounding....I really want to meet this one.....REALLY
#23...Mr. Flip that chick~POF~pending

#4....showed back up and thinks he deserves a second chance to stand me up again....

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