A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Group Therapy...not what you'd think

My best friend came over sat night and we sat down and did my "I'm about to be single" budget.  We also parused the internet looking at apartments n such, and did a whole lot of talking about my husband and equitable division of the assets.  She stayed until near midnight and I so very much enjoyed visiting with her.  Then she invited me for group therapy the next morning.  Say what?  ....She explained it is the grouping of bullets on a target.  OH!!! ok, sounds like fun, so I agreed.  OMG what a blast!  I printed a small picture of me and the hubby and taped it to the 'neck' of the target.  It's a pic where we both look so miserable.  I look flat out UGLY, and it is the very pic that caused me to join tagged.com. I couldn't believe how ugly he made me feel inside, that was obviously turning up on the outside.  In the end, my 'grouping' was mainly just an inch from our heads, until I landed one square on the bullseye.  Needing to kill the ugly me, I finally got a hit on my side of the pic as well.  The men that were there asked me why I wanted a bullet in my head as well, and I told them because everyone is always trying to kill the pretty me, and are quite successful at it.  Maybe if I kill the ugly one, the pretty one has a chance at survival. 

I say, why be cliche and burn a pic of your ex, when you can be original and fill it full of holes.

I'm gonna show ya what this little girl is made of ...... Gun Powder ~n~ Lead


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