A blog about Online Dating and my blunders along the way. My Journey from married to single to dating to sex. I have no idea where I am going, I just know I am not lost.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Update on My Angels

It seems as I am finishing up on posts that I had in draft mode, I haven't posted an update on my two angels....Owen my light angel and Josh my dark angel.  Mainly I have had a terrible week, my phone was jacked up and none of my aps worked, my atm card was frauded and then cancelled....I'm walking around with a temp card now till a new one comes, and I seem to keep getting stuck in road construction-accidents-slow pokes.  So here is the update on my angels....and internet friends.

Josh and I haven't talked much as agreed....I am giving my husband that 3 week '2nd chance' and Josh got a new job.  However, as strongly as I believe that us meeting was written in the stars to heal me (read Venus retrograde)....I now realize....his purpose is fulfilled.  Maybe the rest is still unwritten....but I know we are not destined to BE together....just to have collided....we are far too different and in different stations of life....having nothing to do with age btw.  I am taking his gift of courage he gave me (an since I tattoo'd him on my ass) and treasure it for all time.  I knew when we met that it was meant to be....but not sure why?  I thought since we were both screwed up, it was to lift each other up.  He lifted me up, but I don't think I can lift him up.  He's not ready, and I don't want to be a teacher or a mother.  We are still friends, maybe even best friends, and one never knows what the future holds.....but for now.....I need to concentrate on the NOW.  Tomorrow will just have to take care of it self.

Owen:  Is back in my life.  Pitty I put him aside for Josh.....what a fucking hot sensual man.  I weep at the fact he lives soooo far away that we will likely never meet.  But as always, he showed up just when I needed his gifts.  Owen is my soul mate.  Tragic one unfortunately.  But if ever a man could please me just by being good at the things I REALLY like.....it would be him.  My heart had been closed for two weeks, and Owen walks in and opens it right back up.  Venus is definitely pouring from me when he is in my life.  I hope that some day, I get to find a partner that can reach the bar that he set so high.  Until then, he will remain my soul mate.

Online friends:....OUCH.....sad to say....I have neglected them all horrifically.  My inbox is full and I need to reply to them soon.  I just kinda let them all fall by the wayside when I met Josh.  So, I might be home alone tonight, if so I will catch up with them all and report back.  I'd like to know how my kinkier than hell friend is doing.  Last I heard....home made orgy porn was on the docket.....I just IM'd him, but it is Friday, so he is likely busy whoring it up with his mistress bitches and won't respond till after midnight or tomorrow.

that's the Friday update.....I still have quite a bit of poetry to finish that I have been writing this week.

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